The causes of psoriasis and treatment methods

Each year, millions of people face skin diseases of different nature. Can be infectious and non-infectious. More often, (completely healthy at first glance, people) are diagnosed with psoriasis. Occurs in various parts of the body can be of different intensity. It bothers patients and their environment, because people are afraid of the infection. Take a look at what psoriasis is, the causes, symptoms and treatment methods.

manifestation of psoriasis

What is psoriasis

Psoriasis on the skin disease of a chronic nature, is not transmitted from person to person. Previously, this diagnosis has been considered a nutritional inflammation of the skin, but today is called psoriatic disease, due to the fact that it has a systemic nature, that is occurring as a result of the failure in the endocrine, immune and nervous system.

The mechanism of development of psoriasis on the body

You don't realize the nidus is not possible, because in that part of the body appears burning, itching sensation, redness and exfoliation of the skin. Each person faced with a diagnosis, begins to feel discomfort when dealing with people, because the disease disfigures the affected area of the body.

The mechanism of development is that the cells of the skin die after 4-5 days, but do not disappear, and formed into papules and flaked off, causing inflammation. The disease is not transmitted by contact, so that epidemics do not happen. The appearance of the psoriasis associated with the hyperactivity of the immune system T-lymphocytes.

Normally, the disease appears in genetically predisposed people:

  • If a parent has a predisposition to the disease, the probability of occurrence of the diagnosis of the child – 25%.
  • If 2 parents – 65%.

Psoriasis can occur at any age, even if in childhood there were indications of its presence. The trigger can be the treatment with antibiotics, alcohol, stress, skin trauma, vitamin deficiency.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of psoriasis

But, the disease – psoriasis affects people for many centuries, its source code is still not installed. The disease can affect anyone, even those without a predisposition to the development of the disease.

The doctors proposed a theory about the causes of psoriasis:

  • Virus.
  • Immune.
  • Infectious.
  • Genetics.
  • Caused by metabolic disorders.

Each one of these causes can trigger pathological focus, which can be found in any area of the body: the head, the arms (particularly elbows), legs, and psoriasis appears under the chest and abdomen.


Why a person has psoriasis: virus theory

The scientists in the research of the causes of psoriasis found changes in the peripheral lymph nodes, a sign of virus forms of the disease.

The doctors believe that the retroviruses, transmitted by genetic means, are the causes of psoriasis, but to prove it, you need to:

  • To highlight the retroviruses and to identify it.
  • Identify habitat.
  • To carefully examine that beyond the power of modern medicine.

Retroviruses have the ability to change the genetic structure through DNA synthesis and the formation of "falsum progression". This factor is being studied by doctors, but by transfusion of blood from a patient with psoriasis a healthy diet, never talk about the disease the second that puts this theory in doubt.

Dysfunction Immune

Immune to area affect many structures of the body, but observed that the appearance of sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc. autoimmune diseases, pathological lesions aggravated.

During the first appearance of the psoriasis, the doctors believe that it is the primary source of the autoimmune aggression.

There are many diagnostic procedures, examining patients with the appearance of microabscesses of Munro, appeared in the result of abnormalities in:

  • The immunoglobulins.
  • Antibodies.
  • The Immune complex.

Inflammation of the skin caused by psoriasis, increases the sensitivity of the epidermis, especially in areas hit by chemical or physical means. Then, there is the increase of the size of an eruption and irritation. In the studies, the experts have identified antibodies to antigenic components are the antigens that are not present in people without the predisposition to the disease.


Infectious theory

It is believed that the causes of psoriasis, are directly linked to the infection. The worsening of the disease often set the people trapped in the hospital, despite the fact that the pathogenic fungi and the microorganisms detected. According to scientists, psoriasis on the background of the infection appears as a result of the arrival of impulses in the autonomic and endocrine systems, which causes changes in the structures of the organism, on the basis of the dysfunction immune.

Also, there are allergo infectious theory, which is characterized by an allergic reaction to viruses, microorganisms and their toxic secretions, but officially, this theory is not yet proven.

Theory genetics

This theory suggests that psoriasis is passed from parents to children and of close and distant relatives.

This is because the majority of people that is applied to the skin of the vein of the clinic with psoriasis, I have this disease has a history of about 3 to 5 generations, but to call the disease is strictly genetic is impossible, since it occurs in a context of complex disorders:

  • Changes of enzymes, lipids, carbohydrates and protein metabolism.
  • Immune, endocrine, dysfunction autonomic.
  • Viral and infectious diseases.

Alterations in the metabolism

Alterations in the metabolism, are a source of many diseases.

In the psoriasis studies show

  • High cholesterol
  • Temperature below normal.

In this case, the experts klassificeret psoriasis as cholesteric diathesis, because the bad lipid metabolism cause the skin keratinization.

Also, the clinical picture the patient may have the following characteristics:

  • Disorders of the metabolism of the vitamin group B6/12, And, C. the amount of vitamin C in the body top.
  • The lack or excess of zinc, copper, iron.

These factors reduce the adaptive capacity of the person, and contribute to the emergence of diabetes, which often accompanies psoriasis.

psoriasis stress

Where does the disease of psoriasis (additional reasons):

  • Stress.
  • The acclimatization.
  • The vaccination.
  • Allergies.
  • Women's hormonal disorders.
  • Burns, injuries, bug bites.
  • Medications and alcohol.
  • Hypothermia.
  • The abuse of certain products.
  • A food poisoning.

Psoriasis can appear in any person, regardless of age and sex, but as soon as it seems, the more the patient's body deals damage and changes the quality of your life.

The first symptoms of psoriasis

Initially, the disease manifests itself in the form of small, peel-prone papules, localized to the area previously affected area of the skin. In the initial phase of psoriasis can have a gradual or sudden development of the character. In addition, that appears in the skin of pinkish nodules are quite itchy, burn off, and are starting to be treated in a rash or flaky bark. Patient strive to comb the pathological lesions such as highlights, but further traumatize the skin. Combing the psoriasis is a risk that the disease spreads to nearby tissues, so that when the first symptoms, you should consult immediately with a doctor.

The first symptoms of psoriasis are a rash on these parts of the body:

  • Inguinal folds.
  • No.
  • Shin.
  • Bottom of the back.
  • The stomach (under the breast).
  • Nails/fingers.
  • Arms, legs (knees, elbows, palms, soles of the feet).

To facilitate the diagnosis of psoriasis, experts have divided the disease into several forms with their own symptoms and individual location. For example:

  • The symptoms of plaque psoriasis forms, which is characterized by depilatus red papules having clear borders. They are usually located in the head, the waist, the elbows and the knees.
  • When you teardrop psoriasis, the symptoms are completely different. In the affected area there are many small spots or pustules, when pressed, assigns a clear fluid. Normally occur on the back of the palms of the hands and feet.

It is a mild forms of psoriasis. The development does not cause fever, pain, joint, chills. However, you need to treat any form of disease, because if you do not go to a treatment with the first symptoms of the psoriasis can spread to joints, the nails and mucous membranes.

To learn of the illness in its initial phases, see photos sign the development in the skin of psoriasis.

psoriatic arthritis

Typical signs of psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis refers to severe forms of psoriasis. If the disease affects the joints, which leads to their deformation and further to the partial/total of the dysfunction. In the initial phase, the disease is localized in the feet and hands, and then transferred to the segments of the spine and major joints. Then, the joints increase in volume, start to hurt.

In the exam, the doctor pays special attention to the following aspects:

  • There is a genetic predisposition to psoriasis.
  • Swelling of the joints.
  • Syndrome of pain when walking, touch the elements.
  • The limitation of mobility.
  • Stiffness in the joints (day and morning).

Also, the specialist will prescribe the tests. First you need to make sure that the pain in the joints is caused by psoriasis. For this reason, the patient should take a test factor rheumatoid. If the result is negative, so the doctor will put a diagnosis of the psoriatic arthritis.

The first symptoms of nail psoriasis

Initial signs of the nail plate with psoriasis the same fungus. After the entire perimeter of the nail, we note a depression point, or longitudinal grooves. Your ads can appear on 1 nail or all at the same time, however, the beginning of change is fixed to the edge of the plate of the nail.

In the absence of treatment of the disease:

  • Movement to the root.
  • The nail becomes inflamed, thick, boring.
  • Around the nail is formed by the red border of the skin.

This is the risk that in the result of the nail plate may even flake off the skin or be similar to that of a bird's claw, because the disease affects not only the skin, but the nerve endings.

the treatment of psoriasis

The treatment of psoriasis

Care of psoriasis totally impossible, as the disease assumes a chronic character. The most that doctors can do is prescribe medication that creates a strong remission of the disease.

Medicinal prescribe medicines local destination. They increase the infiltration of the skin, reduce flaking and eliminate the inflammatory process, that lead to an itching sensation.

These drugs include ointments and creams that contain:

  • Dithranol.
  • Salicylic acid.
  • Sulphur.
  • Urea.

Also, experts prescribe the local glucocorticoids and lotions that are suitable for the treatment of the scalp.

The goal of therapy is influenced by many factors:

  • The age of the patient.
  • The main manifestation of the disease or the aggravation.
  • As the inflammation progresses.
  • Where is the lesion.
  • The duration of the disease.
  • In what form it manifests itself, etc.

An appointment specialist will examine the patient, collect medical history and prescribe a biopsy of the affected area.

After receiving the results, the used methods of treatment.

medications of psoriasis

In an advanced stage

hormonal anti-inflammatory:

During severe exacerbation and inflammation, fluorinated media:

These medications in 70% of cases eliminate the inflammation and rashes on the skin, within 2 weeks of treatment of psoriasis.

Glucocorticoid negalogenizirovannam type:

Tools are widely demanded for the treatment of pensioners and children, because the de-composition of fluorine and chlorine reduces the chance of allergic reactions.

Creams and ointments on the basis of dithranol:

Have antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory effect. Often cause allergies, in the form of itching and local inflammation. They are administered in increasing doses in the short-term treatment.

In addition to these methods there are other, equally effective, but should be chosen only the doctor. Not correctly selected therapy is able to aggravate the patient's condition and cause a progressive inflammatory process on the background of allergic reactions, because they do not experiment with drugs. In addition, it should continuously change, because the body gets used to the medication and the therapy efficiency is gradually reduced.